Fellowship Technologies

Fellowship Technologies is Peru, Indiana's leading consulting firm for all of your technology needs. 

Customer Focused

Fellowship Technolgies works closely with for profits and non-profits alike to bring your business the best technology to fit your needs. Whether you are starting a new build or needing to update an existing deployment, contact us to help ensure a smooth operation.

Business Security

Security can no longer be just an after thought of your technology deployments. We all must adopt a security first mindset in order to navigate the 21st century. Do you really want to just be lucky with your customer data? 


According to CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency) the average per-incident cost in cybersecurity is $394,000 to $19.9 million in the United States and exceeds $40 million in the global landscape.

Not Just Your Network

Fellowship Technologies doesn't just stop at the network level. We also expand into physical security with Axis Certified Professionals ready to design and deploy security cameras, access control and site audio.